- Fixed a crash that occurred on some saves due to corrupt kingdom & clan data.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the army AI picked the army target.
- Fixed a crash that occurred during party upgrades due to the same horse existing in the inventory with different modifiers.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when talking to the garrison commander while there weren’t enough troops left in the settlement to talk to.
- Fixed a crash that occurred with giving orders before the scene was fully loaded.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when an alley was cleared and the previous owner died of old age.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when an agent tried to reach an invalid target.
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to caravans joining armies.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the Noble Revolt quest was active.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when using the “SetLoyaltyOfSettlement” cheat with invalid arguments.
- Fixed a crash that occurred while giving transfer orders.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after the hideout cinematic ended.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player assumed control of an agent that had been waiting in a ladder queue through cheat/mod/debug mode.
- Fixed a bug that caused the party leader to be donated to the garrison.
- Fixed a bug that allowed for the recruitment of prisoners even with insufficient conformity.
- Fixed a bug that caused the remaining settlements of an eliminated clan to be given to an empty neutral clan if no other enemy/neutral clans remained in the campaign. Settlements are now passed to the main hero's clan.
- Fixed a bug that caused clan members to get lost if they were assigned to solve an issue that timed out. The lost members will come back after loading the save.
- Fixed a bug that made the “Disband Army” option available in the Army Management panel while in a siege or an encounter.
- Minor text fixes related to Betting Fraud quest and tournaments.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong player's statistics to be displayed on the profile page.
e1.7.2 Beta
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to caravans joining armies. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when an agent tried to reach an invalid target. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when talking to the garrison commander while there weren’t enough troops left in the settlement to talk to. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when an alley was cleared and the previous owner died of old age. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred during party upgrades due to the same horse existing in the inventory with different modifiers. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred while giving transfer orders. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the army AI picked the army target. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred on some saves due to corrupt kingdom & clan data. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when using the “SetLoyaltyOfSettlement” cheat with invalid arguments. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred after the hideout cinematic ended. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the Noble Revolt quest was active. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when starting a battle in the Disrupt Supply Lines quest.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when caravans treated the same items with different modifiers incorrectly.
- Fixed a crash that occurred during the Galter's execution scene.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after capturing a settlement due to a duplicated main hero.
- Fixed a crash that occurred while loading a game with some older saves.
- Fixed a crash that occurred while in a tournament due to the cheering of the audience.
- Fixed a bug that allowed for the recruitment of prisoners even with insufficient conformity. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a bug that caused the party leader to be donated to the garrison. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a bug that caused clan members to get lost if they were assigned to solve an issue that timed out. The lost members will come back after loading the save. (Also in the live hotfix.)
- Fixed a bug that allowed for free influence to be gained by opening the “Donate prisoner” screen and clicking “Done”.
- Fixed a bug that was blocking parties from buying enough food for their troops, causing them to starve.
- Khan's Guard will now use Steppe Recurve Bow instead of Steppe War Bow.
- Updated the “Recent Games” panel to show scores.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the clan leaderboard from counting wins and losses.
Known Issues